We're making some changes to the website. Please be patient as we get stuff moved.

the brief

Launched in January 2023, the brief is a monthly email providing regular communication about topics pertinent to our community.

the brief is short. It will not take anyone long to read it.

the brief is concise. It presents a basic overview of the topic and, if more info is necessary, links to where that info is available.

If you are not receiving the brief already, click here or use the link at the bottom of each website page and provide us the info to start receiving your copy.

Here are some topics we are planning to include:

  • Breakaway (Crash) Gates | 3/1/2023 — Exiting RdP in cases of emergency if the main entrance is not accessible
  • Fire Prevention Creating Defensible Space | 4/1/2023 — What can we each do around our properties to help prepare in case a fire breaks out
  • Fire Prevention In & Around the Home | 5/3/2023 — Concluding a Spring fire prevention emphasis, some reminders for in and around your home
  • Our Water System — An overview of the RdP Units 4-7 water system and who to contact for info if necessary
  • Our Water Supply — Where can we find info and ideas regarding the quantity of water available in our area
  • Wildlife — General information about our area wildlife including do’s and don’ts to help us all coexist peacefully and safely
  • Our Covenants — Each Unit in RdP has similar covenants but there are subtle differences… we’ll outline them
  • Pest, Rodent & Other Nuisance Control — Info about safe, best practices for managing the inevitable challenges we face living on the edge of the wilderness
  • Seasonal Property Preparation Tips — Things to think about and do as we transition between each season
  • Walking & Hiking Safety & Etiquette — Simple thoughts, tips, and ideas about walking and hiking in our area
  • Light Pollution — Thoughts and tips for protecting our “Dark Skies”
  • Respect for Neighbors — Call it common courtesy – but some common sense can help ensure living here stays a great experience for all

Do you have suggestions? Click here to tell us by email!