Annual Dues
The voluntary annual dues for Association membership is $24.00 (Jan 1 – Dec 31) and can be paid by sending a check for $24.00 made out to Ranchos de Placitas Property Owners Association via US Mail to:
Ranchos de Placitas Property Owners Association
PO Box 132
Placitas NM 87043
Q: Can I pay my RdPPOA dues online or electronically?
A: Not presently. The fees for taking online payments range from $2-$4 so to this point no effort has been made to increase dues to enable payment online/electronically.
Q: What are my RdPPOA dues used for by the Association?
A: The average annual cost to maintain the Association are about $1,800 and include business insurance, licenses and permits, office supplies, printing, postage costs, web hosting, and a shared utility fee for lighting at the entrance of Ranchos de Placitas.
Construction and Remodeling
All construction, new and remodel, must be approved before even a shovelful of dirt can be moved. The application procedure is simple and fast and requires a refundable deposit with a completed REQUEST FOR DESIGN APPROVAL. Email architectural@ranchosdeplacitas.org for more information.
View the Mandatory Restrictive Covenants Summary or actual documents:
- Ranchos Unit 4 Covenants
- Ranchos Unit 4 Covenants 2-20-2014 Amendment
- Ranchos Unit 5 Covenants
- Tract A – Block 7 – Unit 5 Covenants
- Ranchos Unit 6 Covenants
- Ranchos Unit 7 Covenants
ThisĀ Plat Map (86MB file) shows approximate boundaries for all units (1-7)
RdPPOA Bylaws
Review or download current Bylaws in PDF
Going on Vacation
You can fill out a Close Patrol Program Request.
*Disclaimer: The Sandoval County Sheriff’s Office created the Close Patrol Program to further assist the community in keeping their property safe while they are away. We make a diligent effort to conduct close patrols on a regular basis when staffing allows. However, Sandoval County and the Sandoval County Sheriff’s Office cannot guarantee the security of any properties listed on a Close Patrol Program Request Form. If you are going to be away from your home, please take additional precautions, beyond submitting a Close Patrol Program Request Form, to secure and protect your property in your absence.
North Ranchos de Placitas Water & Sanitation District
Units 4, 5, 6, 7 – Emergency Phone (505) 867-3017 | Emergency Pager (505) 460-1964
Mail bill payment to:
PO Box 991
Placitas, NM 87043
Register for County Emergency Notices
REGISTER to be notified by the local Sandoval county emergency response team in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts, including evacuation notices, bio-terrorism alerts, boil water notices, and missing child reports.
Dogs must be leashed and under your control when off your property. In addition to violating the covenants, unleashed dogs also constitute a violation of Sandoval County regulations. You can also suffer liability issues if your dog damages property or injures another animal or person. Please clean up after your dog. It is the neighborly thing to do.
Night Skies
We try to encourage the preservation of the night skies. Whenever possible, please limit your night lighting to what is essential; and please keep it shielded and aimed down.
Road Maintenance
The county of Sandoval has a form residents can use to submit requests for road maintenance on county maintained roads. The form can be accessed here.