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Covenants Summary

Mandatory Restrictive Covenants Summary

Copies of covenants filed for each Unit with Sandoval County

Architectural Committee Authority  Assignment of Covenant Enforcement Power from Developer to “AC” per Misc. OR Book 190, pp. 886-891; Sandoval County, NM. Yes. §1   (Except Lot 114) Yes. §1            (Except Tr.A, Blk 6 & Tr.A & B, Blk 7) Yes. §1  (Except Lots 13-16,
Blk 4 & 20, Blk 7)
Enforcement Authority Any property owner may pursue legal action against anyone violating and/or attempting to violate any covenant; to prevent such violation or recover damages or other dues for the violation (which may include, but not be limited to filing fees, other costs & attorney fees).   §2 Same as Unit IV.  §2 Same as Unit IV.  §3
Amending Covenants Covenants are binding & automatically extended unless three-fourths (3/4ths) majority of owners vote to amend. §1 Same as Unit IV.  §2 Same as Unit IV.  §2


Type & Number of Dwellings One detached single-family dwelling & related out-building per lot; or 2 adjoining lots. §1  No subdividing or sale of lot unless 4+ acres divided into a minimum of 2 acre lots. §21 One detached single-family dwelling & related out-building per lot; or 2 adjoining lots. No multi-family dwellings. §4  Subdividing same as Unit IV. §23 One detached single-family dwelling & related out-building per lot; or 2 adjoining lots. Multi-family dwellings with
limitations permitted on
Lots 6-13, Blk 7. §5
Prohibited Uses No business /commercial trade or offensive activity or anything on lot that “may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood”.  §8 Same as Unit IV.  §13 Same as Unit IV.§13  No on street parking allowed.  Adequate surfaced off-street parking must be within setbacks.  §24
Architectural Design: (1) Dwelling Submit plans to AC for approval prior to construction.  Must be of good architectural design. §14 Same as Unit IV.  §13 Same as Unit IV.  And must
be western style typical of
NM including Pueblo, Territorial, Ranch, Adobe & Spanish.  §8
(2) Garages & Out-buildings Must conform to dwelling in construction and design; and be approved by AC prior to construction. §17  No outdoor privies.   Waste disposal must comply with applicable regs. §12 Same as Unit IV. §11 Same as Unit IV.  §16


(3) General Appearance “Must present a good appearance on all streets.” §18 Same as Unit IV. §17 Same as Unit IV. §10
  (a) Natural    Vegetation No disturbance / destruction except for access to property, building site & landscaping of immediate vicinity of bldg. §13 Same as Unit IV. §12 Same as Unit IV. §21
  (b) Tanks, garbage, etc. Butane & water storage tanks must meet state standards & be located so won’t distract from appearance on lot.  §20 Same as Unit IV.   §19 Plus woodpiles, garbage cans, clotheslines & similar items must be in enclosed places so not unsightly to neighbors & passers-by.  §15 Same as Units IV, V &
VI.   §14 &  §15
Windmills / windchargers Prohibited  §19 Prohibited  §18 Prohibited  §19
Completion of Exterior Construction Exterior of all bldgs. must be completed within nine (9) months from start of construction. §11 Same as Unit IV. §10 Same as Unit IV §12
Out-buildings / Structures No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage or other out-building may be used as temporary or permanent residence. §9 Same as Unit IV §8 Same as Unit IV §11


Setbacks Bldg from center line of Road = Front: 50 ft; Side: 75 ft. Bldg from side lot line = 75 ft  (detached garage/out bldg Front: 50 ft. Side: 25 ft.) Bldg to bldg on adjacent lot = 100 ft (except w/written consent of adjacent lot owner)  §5

See 2/20/2014 amendment

Bldg from center line of Road = Front: 50 ft; Side: 50 ft. Bldg from side lot line = 25 ft (detached garage/out bldg OK) Bldg to bldg on adjacent lot = 50 ft (except w/written consent of adjacent lot owner)  §5 Bldg from center line of
Road = Front: 75 ft; Side: 75 ft.
Bldg from side lot line = 25 ft (detached garage/outbldg OK)
Bldg to bldg on adjacent
lot = 50 ft (except w/written
consent of adjacent lot owner)
**AC may allow structure
w/in 50 ft on lots where useable bldg space is ltd. if consent of all owners of contiguous lots. §6
Minimum Lot Size 1.5 acre overall; width of 150 ft at front setback line.  Cf.157m §7 Not stated. Not stated.
Minimum Residence Size (ground floor area of main structure w/out porches & garages) 1500 square feet. §10 1500 square feet. §9 1500 square feet. §7
Maximum Bldg Height (measured from natural ground at the highest point adjacent to the building) 17 ft (higher w/written consent of owners of adjacent & lots across a street) §10 Same as Unit IV. §9 Same as Unit IV. §7
Animals Only household pets or horses.  No nuisance permitted. §6 Only household pets.  No nuisance permitted.  Dogs not permitted off lot unless properly restrained. §21 Only household pets or horses.
No nuisance permitted. §18

 Please review the provisions for your unit carefully.  All property owners are required to comply.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.