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2022 General Meeting Minutes

General Meeting
Ranchos de Placitas Property Owners Association
3 December 2022
at Las Placitas Presbyterian Church


Approximately 90 property owners including board members Craig Kendall (President), Kristine Harriger (Treasurer), and Ruth Wheeler (2nd VP & Architectural Chair).

Welcome & Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Craig Kendall at 11:10AM.

Craig polled those present regarding who has lived in RdP less than 5 years, less than 10, less than 15, less than 20, and more than 20.

Approval of Agenda

Motion: Ruth Wheeler
Second: Glenn Meghee
Result: Unanimous consent

Motion to elect Camille Gabbrielli to the RdPPOA Board (secretary)

Motion: Ruth Wheeler
Second: Lee Harrelson
Result: Approved

Motion to elect Graham Allen to RdPPOA Board (vice president)

Motion: Craig Kendall
Second: David Hamlin
Result: Approved

Approval of 6 Nov 2021 Minutes

Motion: Ruth Wheeler
Second: Sally Gurley
Result: Approved


Caterer – 505 Spirits, LLC – Anna Jones & spouse moved into area 2004. Distillery in Placitas and new virtual tasting room in Albuquerque Bricklight area.
Water Board – Two members of our area’s Water Board were present and recognized. All board members are members of our community.


  • Suggestion box for all as well as suggestions@ranchosdeplacitas.org
  • Vicki Gottlieb’s work on RdPPOA Board and as president
  • Treasurer Kristine Harriger’s work as she departs from the board in 2023

(Introduction continued from before when she was available) Anna from 505 Spirits introduced herself and noted the catering menu: Chunky chicken salad, and many other dishes including savory hand pies, beef and green chile, pork and red chile, roasted root vegetables. Variety of cookies and shortbread and fritters.

She noted their new tasting room in ABQ offers these as well as liquors and other adult beverages. Pointed out there are flyers with a 10% discount available on the catering table. 505 Spirits is working on getting a tasting room open in Placitas.

Officer Reports

Craig shared a short bio about himself:

• Started on Board last year as vice president and interim secretary. Assumed role of president in November 2022.

• An Air Force kid who lived in Albuquerque for Middle and High School, moved away his first year of college.
• May 2018 moved back to Placitas to care for his aging father.
• Education and career background in technology and education.

Noted the following:
The Board is interested to know what association members believe is important to the association.
The Architectural committee exists to encourage and help direct what development happens in our area, and to help owners pay attention to covenants.
Neither the Association or the Board have leverage to take things to court. That is up to individual property owners.

Provided key areas upon which he plans to focus:

  1. Identify and execute actions fulfilling our stated purpose
    “The purpose of the RdPPOA is to give property owners a stronger collective voice in all matters which may be of mutual concern and interest.”
  2. Improve Communication – suggestions@ranchosdeplacitas.org
  3. Expand Participation – 59 last year over 82 this year – still less than 50%
  4. Grow the Board and Revive Unit Directors
  5. Foster and Support Cooperation (among RdP Unit 4, 5, 6, and 7 members)
  6. Encourage Interaction (within RdP and within Placitas, Sandoval County)

Financial Report:
Total Assets $ 31,666.81
Total Liabilities $ 7,500.00
Net Balance $24,166.81

Income statement since last meeting: 6 Nov 2021 – up through 6 Dec 2022.
Net operating expense -$ 1,486.71*
Noted this was due to timing of 2023 dues being received which will balance this back out.

Approval of Financial Report:

Motion: Vickie Gottlieb
Second: Ruth Wheeler
Discussion: Does County pay for roads? Yes- our board doesn’t own any property at all.
Result: Passed

2022 Financial Report in PDF

Committee Reports

Architectural Chair – Ruth

We do have covenants that new construction has to happen in 9 months, which has all been delayed by Covid.

Approve architectural report:

Motion: Bill Pelcher
Second: Glenn Meghee
Discussion: Do all units have covenants? Ruth responded – Yes – all do, but they vary slightly by individual Units.
Result: Passed

Ruth Noted:
New construction is being built on Camino Tequito, but the owner doesn’t want to do stucco. Member wondering if building materials have to be stucco? (Unit 7). Ruth will look into this but not as official representatives of the Association.

A member mentioned covenants can be changed, which he has done. But noted a majority or ⅔ of neighbors in the area have to approve… Will be worked out.

It was noted that all covenants are online.

2022 Architectural Report in PDF

Guest Reports
• Buffalo Tract – George Franzen – President Eastern Sandoval Citizens Association and also La Mesa Homeowners Association president.

George provided some background on current legislation regarding the Buffalo Tract and encouraged members to contact their representatives prior to the close of the 117th Congress.

Question from member: Has any plant life study been done here? Noted a lot of people ride through that area on horseback.
Answer: No – only environmental, water usage, wildlife corridor.

Member Question: Will there be a by-pass road going through the Buffalo Tract?

George responded no, noting that’s a “dead animal”.

Craig encouraged members to seek George out after the meeting for more questions.

Craig noted articles in the current issue of the Sandoval Signpost by George reporting on the work on the Buffalo Tract as well as a letter to the editor by Sue Harrellson providing info about the diet of wild horses.

Old Business
Report of Ad Hoc Fence Study Committee – Member Sue Harrellson

Last year the issue was raised about a downed section of fence allowing horses to more easily enter the neighborhood. Sue Harrellson and Linda operated as an ad hoc committee to look into the issue.

On the SE side of RdP, near the library, there was ½ mile of fence fallen down. Sought to find the fence’s owner.

Before Ranchos was developed BLM put up a fence, so the fence no longer belongs to anyone since there are no cattle in the area.

The Ad Hoc committee met with units 1, 2, 3 HOA to discuss cooperating on funds to rebuild the fence.
A letter was sent to the property owners who would be affected by the fence being repaired requesting their input. 3 owners responded favorably, 3 said they did not want the fence repaired.
The committee evaluated alternatives, but feels they have reached a dead end for any group action.

Sue stated that the horses are remaining here because they’re being fed.

She noted that the covenants mention annoying or nuisance activities, but the POA has no enforcement authority as there is no remedy specified by county or state for wildlife.

Member question – Does Ranchos have a proposal regarding horses? She further noted that “Fences confuse horses.” The fences currently still up are barbed wire. She noted that NM is a fence out state. Stated she didn’t understand where emphasis on area-wide fences came from, but each owner has the right to fence out the horses.

Craig noted the previous info that BLM put up the fences years ago, and that horses are a divisive issue and not explicitly under the POA’s governance.

Member (Laurie) stated the intent of the ad hoc work was to repair the downed fence, was not to “fence off” other property owners, but to protect the horses preventing them from getting on roads. They are fed by owners, creating dangerous situations. Horses are in healthy shape…should not be fed at this time. Noted her property was damaged by wild horses again this year.

Craig mentioned there are a number of groups and opportunities to get involved with management of horses and reminded members we should not be feeding wild animals including the horses and encouraged members to see Sue for other suggestions and ideas.

New Business

• Fire Chief Eric Masterson from Sandoval County Fire introduced himself and said he could present to groups about the Fire Departments various functions to serve the community.

He emphasized residents should clean chimneys and ensure portable heaters are also safe. More information to be posted on RdPPOA website regarding wildfire protection. Noted that though there are limited ways to evacuate, there is an evacuation plan in place. Evacuation should be a priority. Craig thanked Chief Masterson and expressed appreciation for the FD’s willingness to be involved with new efforts to provide more communication to Association Members.

• A Member asked if we have a community roster? Craig noted that a list was being built, but that Member information is private. Other organizations have phone or contact lists and if the Association would like to undertake an effort to make one available they could certainly do so.

• A Member requested that residents not not use poison for mice and pests as wildlife is precious. Craig’s suggested this would be a perfect topic for the planned new monthly email communication.

• Member Katie mentioned the Facebook page called Placitas Community which is very useful. Suggests using this as a resource.

• Lezlie Colburn of 44 Tejon Canon Rd informed Members about a company dedicated to bringing broadband internet service to rural and underrepresented areas. Was curious who would be interested in an additional broadband option in our area? The company is taking a poll to find out how many are interested. Noted a handout she had available and directed interested parties to a website: MAVERIXBROADBAND.COM/placitas

• Member Lori McRoy inquired about natural gas that is available in our area. Asked if the POA works with units to find out who would be interested in bringing natural gas to their home? Lori suggested interested Members should reach out to her.

Motion to Adjourn

Motion: Glen Meghee
Second: Lee Harrelson
Result: Unanimous consent

The meeting adjourned at 12:05pm and members enjoyed lunch and visiting until around 1pm.

2022 Meeting Minutes in PDF

2022 Full financial report (Jan 1, 2022 – Dec 31, 2022)
(* Because the annual meeting occurred on Dec 3, 2022 the financial report covered the period since the last annual meeting in 2021 until Dec 2, 2022 – the day before the annual meeting. This report covers the official Fiscal year of the RdPPOA as outlined in the bylaws.)