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2021 General Meeting Minutes

General Meeting
Ranchos de Placitas Property Owners Association
6 November 2021
at Placitas Winery

59 property owners including board members Vicki Gottlieb (President), Craig Kendall (Vice President and acting Secretary), Kristine Harriger (Treasurer), and Mike Peña (Architectural Committee Chair).

Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Vicki at 11:10 AM.

Approval of Agenda
The agenda was approved without changes.

Review November 2, 2019 General Minutes
Vicki read the 2019 minutes, noting one discrepancy about who maintained the crash gate at the end of Cienega Canyon. She proposed the 2019 minutes be changed to replace “Bureau of Land Management” with “Water and Sanitation District.” There being no objections, the minutes were approved with that change. Minutes for this meeting will be posted to our website www.ranchosdeplacitas.org.

Vicki acknowledged James Gay for his 10 years service as Architectural Committee Chair. She introduced Mike Peña as Gay’s replacement and Craig Kendall as Vice President and acting Secretary. She mentioned that former board members Emily Phillips and John Walker moved away and encouraged anyone interested to join the board.

Officer Reports

Vicki opted to defer the President’s report.

Kristine reviewed the reports, noting there was a typical and temporary deficit in income vs expenses. Assets in savings can cover the deficit until more voluntary dues are received. There were no questions.

There was no report

Committee Reports

Architectural Committee
Mike presented the architectural report (attached) and summarized current and active projects.

Road Committee
Covered during reading of 2019 minutes.

Safety and Communication Committee
Current bylaws include this committee. It’s been inactive for some time. Vicki asked anyone interested in serving to let a board member know. Regarding communication, she expressed the board’s preference for emails to streamline communication.

New Business
Sue Harrelson spoke about horses which have been entering our community through a breach in an old fence on the East side of Ranchos. The whole fence needs some repair.

Vicki moderated the discussion.

Lauri Jaramillo noted that the fence near her property has been down since they moved to Ranchos. She has been directly impacted by the fence’s disrepair. One of the stallions “got my mare pregnant through the fence” and once horses ate $100 worth of her hay. Lauri said that they are impacting more than area vegetation.

Stan Kravitz inquired if Ranchos has the rights to repair the fence.

Vicki expressed appreciation for his question, noting it was the basis for the board’s decision at our May meeting. It is her understanding that the horses entered through a cut in the fence which happens often in Placitas. It is illegal in New Mexico to cut fences and the sheriff was called.

Vicki noted that at the May meeting the Board discussed a request from a property owner in the construction industry who had offered to repair the fence at no labor cost if he received reimbursement for materials. The Board determined it did not have enough information, reiterating that the fence may run through private property or may be on BLM property.

The Board will consider a proposal backed by solid research regarding the fence. Those interested are welcome to form an ad hoc committee with Sue.

Stephany Wilson suggested hiring a surveyor.

Jeff Vreeke explained that there were some horses that regularly go through his property and have carved a regular trail. He emphasized that he loves the horses and noted that the horses know their regular routes. If fences are raised the horses will freak out.

Sue asked to speak with Jeff after and thanked everyone for their input. She asked for interested parties to connect with her to begin research and put together a proposal.

Mike Peña suggested perhaps there were individuals or groups who already have information or access to research that could benefit the ad hoc group.

Vicki mentioned that there are several 501(c)(3) organizations that have worked for years on horse issues in Placitas. There have also been road accidents and safety concerns related to the horses.

Acknowledgement and Awards to Water Board Members and Primary Contractors
Vicki introduced and welcomed Hugh Woodruff who was representing the Water and Sanitation Board. Trey Young, President of that board, initially planned to attend. His concerns about recent rises in NM Covid cases influenced his decision to opt out.

Vicki expressed gratitude for the stellar community water system and in appreciation for their outstanding work maintaining the system, she presented Hugh with gift certificates to the Placitas Cafe for each Water and Sanitation Board member and the two primary contractors.

Hugh expressed his appreciation for the recognition and conveyed thanks on behalf of the other recipients. He added that asking questions as he had could get you “boarded.”

Vicki read some Nextdoor comments from October 27, 2021 about surrounding dry well issues. Drilling new wells in Placitas takes an average of one year just to schedule. She noted that our Water and Sanitation Board has done an excellent job maintaining the availability and quality of our community water, including having the foresight to complete the recent addition of a new well.

– Sue Ortiz drew attention to the Placitas Holiday Market December 4th and 5th from 10 AM – 5 PM. The German-style holiday market will take place at the Placitas Winery and benefit the Placitas Community Library. Admission is free.

Mark Follett made a motion to adjourn, Kristine Harriger seconded, and the motion was approved without dissension.

The business part of the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:50 AM. Many property owners lingered to enjoy catching up with old and new neighbors and a buffet catered by Blades Bistro.

Minutes 2021 General Meeting (in PDF)