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2019 General Meeting Minutes

North Ranchos de Placitas Property Owners Association
General Meeting Minutes, as amended 11-6-21
November 2, 2019

Board Attendees
Vicki Gottlieb, President
Kristine Harriger, Treasurer
Emily Phillips, Secretary
Jim Gay, Architectural Chair

John Walker, Vice President

Gottlieb called the meeting to order at 11:15 am at the Las Huertas Winery, 26 Camino de los Pueblitos with approximately fifty (50) members in attendance. She announced that there would be a switch in the order of the agenda due to one of the speakers, Seth Muller, Sandoval County Emergency Manager, needing to leave early.

Phillips read the September 15, 2018 general meeting minutes. There were no corrections or additions. Minutes for this meeting will be posted on our website www.ranchosdeplacitas.org.

Treasurer’s Report
Harriger reported total income of $1,790.74, with $1,465 from membership dues and interest/dividend total of $225.74. Expenses of $2,027 included business insurance, licenses and permits, meals and entertainment, office supplies, printing, postage costs, and a shared utility fee for lighting at the entrance of Ranchos de Placitas. 2020 dues are still coming in. Total liabilities of $2,500 are refundable architecture compliance project deposits from residents at $500 per project. Current total assets are $26,323.25

Architecture Committee Report
Gay reported that there was currently no new construction. Four modification projects are in process. One garage addition has been completed.

New Business
Seth Muller, Sandoval County Fire Department Emergency Manager, explained the purpose and general approach to the September 2019 Sandoval County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan, which is updated every five years. The purpose of the plan is to identify natural hazards that impact jurisdictions located with Sandoval County and develop strategies that highlight prevention, preparedness, and minimizing risks. The Plan can be downloaded at www. sandovalcountynm.gov. Mr. Muller can be reached atsmuller@sandovalcountynm.gov

Mr. Muller responded to questions with the following:
If a resident has a landline, the telephone number is automatically tied into the 911 emergency system. Anyone can opt into codeRED, a strictly voluntary telephone communication system. Since everyone doesn’t want the government intruding in their personal lives, residents can become advocates and encourage neighbors to get signed up. Everyone who is signed up will get notified via email, text, or phone call when an emergency arises that affects locations in the county. Emergency codeRED system is used for occurrences like drinking water contamination, utility outage, evacuation notice and routes, missing person(s), fires, floods, chemical spills, gas leaks, bomb threats, hostage situations, and other emergencies that require rapid contact. If there is a need for a major evacuation, emergency personnel will drive around and alert addresses in affected areas.

The crash gate near the end of Cienega Canyon is maintained by the North Ranchos de Placitas Water and Sanitation District. We will look into having someone keep a key for access; however, it is designed for emergencies to have a vehicle crash through it so others can exit on Sundance Mesa roads, if an emergency requires it. Installing and maintaining sirens for emergency alerts can be cost prohibitive.

Eastern Sandoval Citizens Association (ESCA)
George Franzen, President of ES-CA, describes this volunteer 501(c)4 organization as a “watchdog’’ group of fellow residents and property owners in Placitas whose mission is to the protect our environment, quality of life, and property values. Yearly membership dues are $50 for each voting member and $75 for a joint membership of two votes per household address. ES-CA currently has 165 members. For further information, the website address is www.es-ca.org.

Franzen informed the RDPPOA members that a realtors’ meeting was held recently about a proposed plan in the works for the development of twenty four (24) units on the field near the Merc and the area where the old library was on Tierra Madre. The proposal contains a request to develop between the two locations nine (9) duplexes (total of 18) and six (6) single units. Concerns were raised that the units may turn into rental properties that may not be maintained as well as private homes. Sandoval County would have to rezone the proposed area for this to happen. ES-CA will not take a position on the proposal.

Road Committee Report (presented by Gottlieb for Gayle Reinhart)
Anyone needing assistance from the County Road Departments (RD) should complete the online form request. For those without computer access, a call may be placed to the RD and the form will be filled out for them. Requests will be prioritized according to the urgency of the need.

In fall 2018, a form was completed for the erosion of the road on Camino Redondo and subsequently repaired in January 2019 after a few follow-ups. The RD seems to repair the roads in a fashion that may not be long term. After the rains this summer, there has already been some erosion where the road was repaired.

In November 2017, residents John and Linda Stimson requested a need for mud removal near their home. After a follow up meeting with the Stimsons in January 2019, they conveyed that the RD had cut the hill back three feet and were planning to construct a small retaining wall. In the meantime, the Stimsons relocated to Indiana.

In summer 2019 the RD swept the roads at least twice after monsoons left debris on the roads.

Steve Barro, a property owner with a background in government finance, talked about details of the bond renewal on current ballot. The Bernalillo School District wants to extend a bond with an increase under a new state law allowing school districts to have a 2 mill levy question on the November election ballot. If successful, property taxes will increase by nine (9) percent. 2020 property tax bills, usually mailed in early November, will be delayed until after the outcome of the bond vote.

Lunch was catered by Placitas Café and the meeting adjourned at 12:17 pm.

Minutes – General Meeting 2019 (in PDF)