We're making some changes to the website. Please be patient as we get stuff moved.

The (North) Ranchos de Placitas Property Owners Association, a nonprofit association incorporated under the laws of the State of New Mexico, was established in 1983 to oversee Units 4, 5, 6, and 7. The purpose of the RdPPOA is to give property owners a stronger collective voice in all matters which may be of mutual concern and interest.

ATTENTION: Real Estate Professionals:

The Ranchos de Placitas Property Owners Association (RdPPOA) is not an HOA as defined by the New Mexico HOA Act as it neither owns property nor has mandatory fees, both of which are required for the purposes of the Act. Property owners have no legal obligation to RdPPOA nor any expenses owed.

Below are links to each unit’s recorded restrictive covenants:

Download a copy of the POA statement for Real Estate closing requirements.

Ranchos de Placitas contains two associations:

  • Ranchos de Placitas Property Owners Association (RdPPOA) — Units 4-7 which this website represents.
  • Ranchos de Placitas – Units I, II, & III Homeowners Association
    They can be reached through their website: ranchosdeplacitas123.com